This table shows ESTIMATED shipping costs to popular international destinations. These prices are in US Dollars. Because many of our products come in different sizes and weights your actual shipping charges may be different.
For each International order we do our best to find the lowest cost and fastest shipping carriers. As such AFTER YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER WE WILL EMAIL YOU THE ACTUAL SHIPPING CHARGES for your order.
Product Type: | Carpet* | Floor Mats | Door Panels | Dash Covers | Sun Visors |
Australia | $106.20 | $76.00 | $68.80 | $68.80 | $53.00 |
Austria | $96.82 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Bahamas | $99.40 | $69.90 | $62.90 | $62.90 | $47.40 |
Belgium | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Canada & British Colombia | $62.50 | $47.70 | $45.10 | $45.10 | $36.20 |
Chile | $99.40 | $69.90 | $62.90 | $62.90 | $47.40 |
Costa Rica | $99.40 | $69.90 | $62.90 | $62.90 | $47.40 |
Czech Republic | $97.45 | $67.25 | $60.95 | $60.95 | $46.50 |
Denmark | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Finland | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
France | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Germany | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Great Britain & N. Ireland | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Hong Kong | $106.20 | $76.00 | $68.80 | $68.80 | $53.00 |
Hungary | $97.45 | $67.25 | $60.95 | $60.95 | $46.50 |
Ireland | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Israel | $113.20 | $77.75 | $69.05 | $69.05 | $51.00 |
Italy | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Japan | $106.20 | $76.00 | $68.80 | $68.80 | $53.00 |
Lithuania | $97.45 | $67.25 | $60.95 | $60.95 | $46.50 |
Luxembourg | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Mexico | $82.10 | $61.00 | $56.40 | $56.40 | $44.50 |
Netherlands | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
New Zealand | $115.50 | $78.30 | $69.10 | $69.10 | $50.30 |
Nicaragua | $99.40 | $69.90 | $62.90 | $62.90 | $47.40 |
Norway | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Panama | $99.40 | $69.90 | $62.90 | $62.90 | $47.40 |
Poland | $97.45 | $67.25 | $60.95 | $60.95 | $46.50 |
Romania | $97.45 | $67.25 | $60.95 | $60.95 | $46.50 |
Russia | $97.45 | $67.25 | $60.95 | $60.95 | $46.50 |
Saudi Arabia | $113.20 | $77.75 | $69.05 | $69.05 | $51.00 |
Singapore | $115.50 | $78.30 | $69.10 | $69.10 | $50.30 |
Slovak Republic (Slovakia) | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Slovenia | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Spain | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Sri Lanka | $115.50 | $78.30 | $69.10 | $69.10 | $50.30 |
Sweden | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Switzerland | $100.60 | $72.50 | $65.90 | $65.90 | $51.00 |
Taiwan | $115.50 | $78.30 | $69.10 | $69.10 | $50.30 |
Turkey | $97.45 | $67.25 | $60.95 | $60.95 | $46.50 |
Ukraine | $97.45 | $67.25 | $60.95 | $60.95 | $46.50 |
United Arab Emirates | $113.20 | $77.75 | $69.05 | $69.05 | $51.00 |
Venezuela | $99.40 | $69.90 | $62.90 | $62.90 | $47.40 |
* !! Attention Carpet Orders !! - Adding Mass Backing to your carpet doubles the weight of the carpet shipment. Mass Backing weighs more than the carpet itself. Shipping costs for carpet with mass backing are double the prices listed above.